Electrical Burns on Pets
Kittens, puppies and pets who gnaw are especially vulnerable
MetPet.com Staff Writer
A pet that chews on electrical cords can burn
its mouth or even suffer electrocution. Make sure that all electrical cords are well
out of the way of pets by bundling them up, covering them with electrician's tape
or placing them inside a plastic cable collector.
This is especially important with young animals or during the holidays when lights
are put up around the house.
If you come across a pet that has been rendered
unconscious from chewing on an electrical cord, turn
off the electricity before you touch him! Have someone call your vet and drive you there as you administer
CPR. Death can results from cardiac or respiratory arrest.
Even if your pet is conscious, electrical shock
can cause severe damage to the tissues of the mouth and can result in fluid in the lungs
(pulmonary edema) that is characterized by breathing problems and coughing. You
will need to take your pet to the vet in any case.
Related Information:
Reduce Electrical Cord